After God's Own Heart
God said, ‘I have found David a man after my own heart. He will do all I ask of him.’ Acts 13:22 
I want to be all in, going hard after God with all my heart. I really do!  As David’s life unfolded, I think he would admit—like Paul, ‘I don’t understand what I do! I want to do good, but I can’t carry it out. I keep on doing what I don’t want to do.’ (Romans 7:15-20)   
What made David a person ‘after God’s own heart’ wasn’t just his behavior—it was how his behavior affected him.   
David faced his own brokenness. He was quick to repent. And he had a high view of God.  That made all the difference!  I want to live that way. I gave up on getting everything right a long time ago. But I want to be quick to recognize when I get it wrong. Quick to throw myself on the mercies of God. Quick to learn from my mistakes and correct my course.  
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Cast me not away from your presence, nor take your Holy Spirit from me.  Psalm 51:10-11  
Thank God for His mercy and grace!   
I LOVE Being Your Pastor!  