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On select holidays throughout the year, we host Family Worship. This is an opportunity to bring your kids into the sanctuary for our Sunday morning gathering with a kid-friendly service. We’ll have 2 identical services at 9:30 & 11am.

We won’t host adult classes or any evening programs.

We will also host Family Dedications on this day. 

What's a Family Dedication?

Our hope is that the next generation would find & follow Jesus and we believe a huge factor in their faith development is a parent's influence.

While some people use the term baby or child dedications, we use the term Family Dedication. This is an opportunity for the family to gather before the congregation and we will pray a blessing over the child(ren) and parents. This is a symbol of a commitment the parents are making to raise their child in a way that honors God and points them to Jesus.  It's also an opportunity for us, as a church, to rally around a family in prayer and support for the years to come.